New Spaces, New Voices: Guide For New Feminist Educational and Media Policies

New Spaces, New Voices: Guide For New Feminist Educational and Media Policies

by BeFem team

The feminist and cultural center BeFem has been actively working for the past nine years to revitalize the feminist movement in Serbia, to reduce stereotypes on feminism and to make it easier for young people to engage in feminist and social justice issues. BeFem  works mainly through media analysis and media production, education, training, and creating meetings places for debate, exchange of ideas and culture. BeFem also has a strong focus on promoting newer and smaller initiatives, especially those being created by marginalized groups or in marginalized areas of Serbia. BeFem is one of the initiators and active members of the regional network for feminist and cultural initiatives that includes all countries of the former Yugoslavia.

The Program New Spaces, New Voices: Guide For New Feminist Educational and Media Policies is a continuation of what BeFem has focused on for the last few years, namely, production of media content that promotes feminism, women’s politics and resistance strategies to rising militarism, racism and nationalism. It is also about the experience of solidarity and the transformation of the local communities initiated by marginalized groups such as rural women.


This year we recorded a short documentary “Women in the country side and rural tourism, about new women’s economic empowerment initiatives in small villages in Serbia. Through the production of media contents BeFem will make visible emancipation policies and the work of girls and women from villages,  of girls and women who economically empower various groups of women in their local communities, and encourage them to take an active role in changing their environment. Through the BeFem independent feminist production, we will provide new innovative communication models, as well as an improved representation of women in media.

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