Launch “For quality and equality in journalism content”

Launch “For quality and equality in journalism content”

The School of Journalism Setguulch (Mongolia) has just launched its initiative “For quality and equality in journalism content” dedicated to journalism students and young journalists.

A media release by the School notes the need for journalists to exercise professionalism and fairness from a gender balance perspective in view of their important role as writers of history and people’s lives. A recent study showed that only 18 percent of 50 news stories had gender balance. The initiative urges journalists to apply the international Media Gender Equality Scorecard to assess and adjust their output. Through the initiative’s dedicated web page, media outlets can experiment with guidelines on gender equality reporting from countries where journalism is highly developed. Students and alumni of the School of Journalism under the Press Institute of Mongolia will bring lessons on the application of those guidelines. The initiative welcomes the participation of senior students and young journalists.

The initiative’s overarching objective is to improve professionalism in Mongolian journalism and cooperation between news media. It is implemented with support from the international communication rights organisation WACC which every five years since 1995 coordinates the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) to document gender equality trends and patterns in news media content. The School of Journalism is the GMMP country coordinator for Mongolia since 2015.

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