‘Mission Possible’

‘Mission Possible’
Gender and Media Advocacy Training Toolkit

Mission Possible: Gender and Media Advocacy Training Toolkit

was developed following GMMP 2005 as a tool to build civil society capacity to lobby for gender-fair, gender-balanced media.


Comprehensive guide

The toolkit is available in two versions. The first is a comprehensive guide to media advocacy in French, English and Spanish.The comprehensive version presents the materials in two sections of several chapters each. Section One entitled ‘Putting gender on the media’s agenda’ discusses the theory on gender and media advocacy. Section Two on ‘Building gender and media campaigns’ is practical, from how to transform media through policy to how to get the issue on the media’s agenda.

Download the complete toolkit 

Training modules

The second is an easy-to-use modular format. The modular version of the toolkit is designed to be flexible to enable facilitators and trainees select the modules that respond to specific advocacy training needs.

Download the modules:

Module 5 PDF (156.82 kB):How to develop an advocacy campaign
